Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year!

I hope the New Year has been good to all of you! We have been busy packing up the Christmas decor around here. So far everything os packed away with the exception of a Christmas village, a nativity and a Christmas tree (still decorated). But, since it;s not our main tree I don't feel so bad. We will eventually get it all packed up.
Remember the Christmas card discusson? I was trying to figure out what to use... well here it is... the Holy Family. This is one of their favorite things to play and since this year we were blessed with 2 more babies who were willing to stand in for the dolls the children usually use, it just worked out perfectly! We went for an impromptu photo shoot, compliments of mommy, so I didn't even dress my children in cutesy stuff! Imust have had a fever that day. Oh well, I think it turned out just perfect!

Since Puddin found the stamps and mistook them for stickers, I was not able to mail the last of the cards in time for Christmas. In fact, there are about 10 more on the counter still waiting for their sticker stamp!

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