Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wow, it's been a crazy day here. Lots of stuff going on- but that's life everywhere, right?
I did a post a while back about my Nanny.
She's in the hospital right now. Would you please pray for her?
It's so hard. I want to help her, but I can't.
I want to hug her, but I can't.
I can pray, so that's what I'll do.

Also, I've had some questions today about the Puddin Pop Kids so I'll try to answer them all in one swoop. BTW, if you are here from WHATEVER... welcome! isn't Meg awesome!! I'm so excited for her to go to Africa!! What an experience that will be!

I hope this little sweetie can help her some with the expenses. Meg is holding an auction for him today, so if you just love him, hop on over and place a bid! You'll get a cute, snuggly little guy and help a great lady doing an awesome thing!
Now, as for the questions...
*I have not opened my Etsy shop yet. I can't seem to get enough stuff made to sell, so I'm working on that.
*I don't have a paypal account set up yet, but I'm working on that too. I'm not real savvy with this whole blog design/buttons thing yet but Hubby and I are going to work on the paypal thing tonight. Maybe there will be a button for that tomorrow! I know it would make things easier for everyone!
*If you want to order a custom doll, just send me an email at
Make sure you include: hair color/texture, body color/texture, eye color (brown, blue or black- no green yet, unless you want cat eyes), Bible verse and version ( I usually go with NKJ or NIV, but if you want something different let me know). Also, I can add the child's name to the back of the Puddin Pop Kid as well, and I also need to know if you have a color preference for clothing. The girls usually have on a bright polka dot skirt and the boys are usually in gingham.
One I get the order, I will confirm with you and make sure I have the details. I usually guarantee the doll within 2 weeks of the order.
*And, just cause ya'll have been so sweet today, if you order by Monday and reference WHATEVER, the shipping will be free!!!
* If you aren't wanting to order a custom doll but would rather order one that's ready to go you can check out this one, this one, and this one.
And, in other news...
Bud still won't say Ma-ma. Everytime I ask him, "say ma-ma", he just looks at me with that beautiful face, smiles, and says, "da-da". Every.single.time.
It's sort of become a joke around here now. I know he will eventually say it, I just hope it's before he starts kindergarten! Ha!
And as for saying ma-ma, even Monkey Do doesn't call me ma-ma. Isn't that strange? He'll ask Bud to say it, but he doesn't. About 6 months ago he stopped calling me "ma-ma" and started calling me "mah-nah". Again, every.single.time.
Just in case you stopped by to see any of my little darlins... here's a pic of my sweet Monkey See... He's so precious!

This has kind of been a random, busy post. Sorry about that, I'm just making the most of the available time I have today.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Hi there, what a sweet thing to give meg a doll for her trip:) I was wondering with five kids under four do you have a couple set of twins?? Kids are such a blessing:) Elma

  2. I found you through Meg, Cutest doll ever! I am excited to read your blog too...

  3. I came to your blog through Meg. . . . I will be back! I have twins that are now five. We have four kids all within 4 years and 4 months. They are now 7,5,5,3! If my last child would have been a twin i'd have walked in your shoes. I know your life is busy but what fun!!

  4. I came to your blog through Meg. . . . I will be back! I have twins that are now five. We have four kids all within 4 years and 4 months. They are now 7,5,5,3! If my last child would have been a twin i'd have walked in your shoes. I know your life is busy but what fun!!

  5. Your dolls are so adorable! What an awesome idea! :)
