Well, I think I may have used that blog title before but, oh well.
I guess this is what I get for making plans... they rarely turn out how I expect them too.
As I type this I am listening to the sounds of a sweet, sensitive 2 year old boy scream his ever loving head off in his crib. Aaaand, we are going on 2 hours of this....and the 4th night of it. Makes me want to scream too.
You may remember how we explained that once "mi-mi" was broken or lost we wouldn't have one anymore or remember my "boot camp" plan.... yeah, the one where I laid out my timeline for getting rid of the beloved "mi-mi"? Remember when I missed my "opportunity" to get rid of "mi-mi" in the 1st place?
Well, the inevitable happened... "mi-mi" is broken. And the timing (in my humble opinion) couldn't be worse.
Saturday night monkey See came down with a fever. He had a very hard time resting and was tossing and turning. He would cry and was just all together miserable. Little did any of us know, it was about to get worse. We think he may have bit into his mi-mi as it was being pulled out of his mouth for medicine, not exactly sure how it happened. All we know is mi-mi now has a hole in it.
Slow to catch on Momma kept trying to make him take the broken mi-mi and go to sleep. I was sitting with him rocking and snuggling and kept giving it back to him until he finally threw it on the floor. Once I picked it up I looked at it and realized we had a problem, a serious problem.
Needless to say, it was on into Sunday morning before my little monkey finally fell asleep.
And, this has been our pattern since... lots of crying and screaming...
"I nee ma mi-mi! AGHHHHHHH!!!!" Followed by a cranky, moody, whiney, overly emotional toddler the following day.
Pleasant, isn't it?
It really makes me want to high tail it to CVS and get a brand spankin new one for my sweet little monkey! Poor thing is miserable and going through withdrawls on top of it! You see, Monkey See has been through a lot in 2 short years. His first 2 weeks were more than any child, parent, or family should have to experience. We are grateful to God to have a healthy child today with no problems or ill side affects from his experience. God placed the right people at the right time in front of me and my child and because of them and an army of people praying for my son and Gods unending grace, I have my Monkey See.
(I have intended to blog about it for, well, since I started this blog, but for some reason.... I just havn't had the time or the energy needed to tell his story. But considering I ran into his very wonderfully, proactive, sweet, best nurse on the planet NICU nurse tonight, who I haven't seen in 2 years, it makes me think, hmmmmm, I might need to make some time to tell this sweet boys story. I definitly want to have it documented so I don't forget any of it. Not that I think I could ever forget it but you know mommynesia hits pretty hard sometimes.)
But, becuase I apparently, am a slow learner, I guess this was the only way to do get rid of the mi-mi. Even hubby made a comment about how he would be packing it to go with him when he went off to college if we didn't do something about it quick. It was going to take a God sized plan to get that sweet boy off the paci and that's exactly what we got. So, here we are, 4 and a half days later, still crying, but finally fever free! Woo-hoo, praise God! And no one else has a fever yet, kind of weird, I know. Every night, the crying, while intense, is stopping a little earlier than the night before. Maybe by Saturday he will through withdrawls and be back to his normal, happy, sweet self. I'll keep you posted.
Oh, and as for the rest of baby boot camp, well, I guess we'll have to see what the future holds!
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