Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tractors on Main Street

Puddin has started taking violin lessons. She loves it. I'm so happy she is enjoying it but there was a big, BIG, hesitation on my part before we started. It was, "What am I going to do with the other 4 kids in a music store while she takes a violin lesson??? Am I crazy- I already have to deal with this during dance lessons, and man- it is not fun!" And really, truly I say to you,
When they were little it was one thing- I mean, they would sit and be entertained by all of the smiling mommies... they are no longer entertaining and the children no longer like to sit.
So, what's a mom to do??
Well, with a little planning that violin lesson went by lickety split!
All I had to do was load up 2 John Deer Tractors and double stroller, along with the violin of course, and voila! Tractors on Main Street!

We dropped Puddin off at her practice, I told the teacher we would be walking around the square in case she needed me and told her I would be back after the practice was over. She was very understanding- as was the rest of the music store staff- and we headed out. Unfortunately for the boys, the start of our journey was all uphill... isn't that just like life!

My sweet little Monkeys persevered and made it all the way. Monkey See is in the lead of course- he has a competitive streak a mile wide and absolutely can not stand to not be first.
You can't tell from the pictures but he is peddling a mile a minute!

Here they are taking a break at the corner before we had to cross the street again. Aren't the precious?! Too bad they both won't look at the camera at the same time!

While the boys were having a ball driving their tractors around downtown Murfreesboro, I was in hot pursuit pushing these two darlings. Bud fell sound asleep and Daisy did not. She was having fun though, despite the look on her face.

I loved this shot in front of the flag. Very Norman Rockwell, don't you think?

New flags up around the square... Go big BLUE!

My Monkey's beside the monument remembering when Murfreesboro was the capital of Tennessee, waaay back when.
And finally, Puddin, outside the music store, starring into the sun for her commemorative "1st day of violin class" picture.

All in all, a great lesson for Puddin and lots of fun for the boys. And in case you wondered, yes, I was a little stressed at the end. Monkey See channelling his inner race car driver, and distracted motorists made me a little uneasy a couple of times. Thankfully, he is an obedient child and when momma screams "STOP!!!" he listenes. Not that he was almost hit or anything... he just got to going so fast a couple of times I made him stop and wait for the 4 of us to catch up to him.
We'll see what next week has in store for us!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! No way can you keep 4 little ones entertained in a store! Always love the pictures :)
