Friday, September 10, 2010

Playing catch up!

So, I'm nearly a week behind on posting... how does that happen?? I guess it may have something to do with preschool, dance practice, violin practice, a broken dryer, labor day weekend fun with family, traveling, filling orders, taking orders, working a local show and diarrhea. Not exactly in that order. But, you get the picture.

Anyway, in the midst of all of that, we have managed to have some fun too!

So here are a few pictures from our Labor day weekend. My parents have a house on the river and lots of my extended family gathered there this weekend to celebrate. Due to the diarrhea and our broken dryer, we were only able to spend 1 day... too much laundry at home calling our name! But what a fun day we had! My mom's brother and sisters were all there as well as my sister and several of my cousins and their kiddos. The kids all had a super time!

Here are a few pics...

Puddin just realized the boat has set sail with her brother's on it!

Perplexed as to how they could leave her!!

Here they come! My momma, Aunt Judy, A, P and Monkey See
and Monkey Do in the paddle boat


My cousin Jeremy on the jet ski pulling some of the kids on a raft

Puddin finally gets her turn with her daddy! The boys had to stay ashore and watch...

Here they come!

Monkey Do and Papa

Daisy showing her sticky sucker fingers

G and N sizing up the fish they caught

Bud trying on his brother's shoes
Anyway, we had a great day... lots of fun and family time.
This weekend Puddin and the Monkeys have their first round at baseball so I'll be posting some pics on that.
I also have several orders I should be able to finish up this weekend so I'll be posting pics of those too.
Have a happy weekend!

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