Sunday, January 8, 2012

Puddin's 6 birthday...rewind

It dawned on me last night that over the course of the past few months, I really
did miss a lot of updates..including Puddin's 6th birthday! ouch- score one for the bad momma!
Puddin the morning of her birthday, Oct. 13th.

I mean, I am supposed to be documenting memories here. Sometimes, life just gets in the way. However, there will be a new and improved system around here that I hope to share with you next week, just as soon as I recap some highlights I missed in 2011.
All dressed and ready for school in her new birthday outfit. 

So, without further a do, I give you Puddin's 6th birthday bash! I know what you are thinking.... how can she be 6??? I know- it's crazy! But what a beautiful 6  year old she is, inside and out.
Breakfast of champions...birthday donut with sprinkles. She was h to the appy, happy!

This year she wanted a "Little house on the Prairie" party. I wrapped my head around this and was ready to go full steam ahead in all things prairie related. Up until September. That's when she decided that no, she would rather have a "Goldilocks and the 3 bears" party, Ru-roh!
Daddy and Puddin before school. love.

See, I usually plan parties pretty well in advance so I can get supplies on sale. And since March is the start of our birthday season, all of the kids want to discuss their party plans at the same time. This is the first time we experienced a change up.
But, it was what she really wanted so we went with it. I was able to use some of the supplies I had already purchased since the color scheme worked for either theme. bonus.
Also, when I was 11-13 I collected bears. In fact, I got one a month from a mail order thing-a-ma-jig and all of those sweet bears were up in the attic tucked away neatly.
Turned out, I didn't have to really purchase much, except the wig prop and the food. Everything else I needed we already had.
<insert happy dance>
So here are some pics from her special day...

food table...peanut butter and honey bear sandwiches, fruit, apples and dip, stroop waffles, chocolate bear pops, chocolate covered strawberries, lemonade and cinnamon, honey cupcakes with cinnamon butter cream frosting...YUM!!
This was supposed to be photo prop set up... the 3 bears chairs were here and I had planned to get a picture of all of the kiddos in front of the mural but somehow, in he bus-i-ness of hosting a party- I did not get the picture. ugh.
Seating for the kiddos. The "tables" are made from Monkey See and Monkey Do's cribs. I added a frame and plywood to connect them and make them long enough for 10 kids to sit at each table. The table cloth is yellow gingham fabric and the centerpieces are mums wrapped in burlap along with bears from my collection. The table in the foreground has baby bear and papa bear. The table in the background has mama bear and Goldilocks. The chairs are mostly from the children's preschool. They were so kind to let me borrow them for the weekend! 
Part of the crowd. We were blessed with a beautiful Autumn day and it actually got a little warm! Under the canopy is where we designated the gift opening center and the bear making activity. I precut teddy bears and we had a sort of build a bear shop going for each of the girls. I think they enjoyed having a bear of their own to take home.
It's pinata time! This year I just couldn't see whacking baby bear or Goldilocks for the pinata so we opted for a bee hive... bears like honey and honey comes from bee hives.... it was easy and unexpectedly durable! It took some real hammering before we finally got it to break! Here is Puddin giving it the first whack!
I think this is Monkey See's favorite part of birthday parties... next to the cake!
Puddin blowing out her candles. Her request... "roses on my cake". She was beyond thrilled!
Uncle Tim hanging out with Monkey Do under the canopy.
The girls eating at their tables. Each girl also had a basket of goodies to take home and to keep their bear in. We served the lemonade in the honey bear jars. It turned out pretty cute.
Daisy and Bud... someone LOVES ice cream!

 Opening presents! This was one of her favorite gifts... frogs! Courtesy of Aunt Katie. :) She was so very happy! And I am happy to say that Charma and Princess (the frogs) are still with us!
 Sweet smiles from my girl!

 Bud finishing off Puddin's cake!

 6 is for being silly!!

apparently, Monkey Do is also a fan of the silly glasses. In fact, he eventually pulled the nose off of his pair and wore them day and night as his "pwetend" glasses, even to preschool! My silly monkey!

SO, Puddin's birthday was lots of fun and she is a happy, sweet and precious 6 year old! wow!


  1. Oh my word that was just adorable! You are an amazing woman!

  2. That was one fun day with my family. Puddin, I'm glad that you enjoyed your birthday too! Thanks to Mommy and me being overall just a good spectator, food taster, and fun playing with all the kids!
