I have boxed what was left away. We went from 9 large tubs down to 4- woohoo!! But, if you see something that is still posted and you would like it, just leave a comment and I will pull it out. 4 boxes are much more manageable than 9!
Now, onto other news. The first week of kindergarten and phase in for preschool is over. whew! What a whirlwind week! We have all been exhausted! But, we know we will eventually get the hang of this, right? The girls have also gotten back into dance full swing, and my monkeys have taken up playing soccer! What a sight! They even had their first game on Saturday and it was sooo much fun!! I will have to post some pics of that after I get them out of the camera. Soon, I promise!
For now, I hope the first day of practice will do.
making sure I am still watching...
practicing "toe taps" I'm sure that's not what it is really called,but since I don't know the real name, toe taps it is!
I'm not sure what they are doing here, but since Monkey See is still smiling, it's a win!
again, pardon my lack of soccer knowledge...but I think they are dribbling?? hehe!
this looks like a kick!
and this is definitely someone losing the little patience they had to start off with!
entertainment by Puddin. Bud is not too happy about it so he is
"blowing the house down"... it gets messy!
still smiling!
apparently they are having a discussion about something...maybe it's the technicalities of the game so they could share them with me! Especially since while walking up to the field for Saturday's game Monkey Do said, "I weally hope I get a touchdown today!"
oh boy!
Ahh...Love those soccer games! Enjoy, this is such a fun stage!