Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fortune Telling Cowboy

Occasionally, when I am tired and don't feel like cooking dinner, hubby will stop on the way home and pick up Chinese take out. Surprisingly, it' something we all will eat. I guess we have had it more than I realized. The other night, when I did cook dinner, the kids chose to have a piece of candy from their Easter eggs for dessert.

As I was cleaning off the table I looked up to see Monkey Do reading his "fortune" to all of us.

Too bad it was a Hershey Kisses tag!

I love that boy!


  1. CUTE! Where'd you get his shirt? I love it!! Jen

  2. Love it! He is too cute. That is what Grant looks like eating chocolate. YUKKY everywhere.He can't just eat it, he has to wear it. Gotta love em!
