Tuesday, February 9, 2010

So Excited!

So I found this really cute website the other day... I mean really cute! There are some super creative/crafty people out there! I love those kids of people!! So, when I found this site, well, it was really hard to stop surfing!
Anyway, I submitted my tea party set and guess what??
It's being featured on their site!
So cool!!
Anyway, click here to check it out! But, I warn you... have some time to spare because if you're like me, you'll have so much fun looking at all of the fun stuff you won't want to leave!
Happy Tuesday!


  1. Thanks so much for sharing Melissa! your princess table is just the CUTEST prettiest thing and such a creative idea! I love it and it deserves a "show off"! Great job!


  2. I have already found at least 3 things I want to do! Congrats on being feautured!!
