Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Random stuff

The past couple of days Monkey See has not been himself... maybe a delayed reaction the recent full moon?? I'm just so grateful that today is another day because he and I were most definitely not on the same page. I even have the most "beautiful" piece of artwork to show for it. Yes- 1st time we have ever had a masterpiece of this magnitude. So, when I say yesterday was a hard day... I'm being nice.

Monkey See's Art work

Bud finally got his top 2 teeth!! He's so precious!! This baby is always smiling! He's a lot like Monkey Do and never meets a stranger.

Sister, Daisy, on the other hand, is much more like Monkey See and really has to take it all in before she decided she will smile. She's such a little thinker! Both babies are on the verge of crawling. Not that not crawling has stopped them. I still consider them mobile, since they manage to go all over the house now without coordinating their arms and legs. They are most definitely gifted!

Bud and Daisy laughing at their silly daddy

Puddin is back to school after a long Christmas break. We had a great time at home and lots of pajama days. I really missed here today when she had to go back. She had a great time though.

She has become quite the little lady. She even talks with her hands, like her momma. She got her 1st tube of lip gloss in her stocking this year and oh my! Was she excited about it. I don't think she goes anywhere without it! Yet, it is still a little shocking to get a sticky goodnight kiss from her! She's growing up so fast~ they all are! I just keep reminding myself to take it all in and soak up as much of it as I can.

Puddin being silly

Potty training boys. Yuck. That's all I have to say about that.

Hubby is back to work. we had a couple of weeks where everyone in our house, except me (cause I'm really a robot, you know) was sick and I mean S.I.C.K. So now that he is well and the holidays are over we are officially back to "normal" around here.

Hubby and the boys hanging out at Nana and Papa's lake house... no pants due to potty training...again- YUCK!

As for resolutions... we don't usually make them. However, this year we have decided to. We are going to work hard to be healthy. That's means, eating right and getting more exercise. So there you have it. And just to prove we're serious we bought a Jack Lalane Power Juicer Pro the other night! We got it off craigslist and got a really great deal. I'm not sure if you have ever seen the commercials. If you have then you know these people make the juice look delicious! And in all fairness, I have only tried 1 drink from it. Hubby and I decided we would try the wonder juice... supposedly the best thing since sunshine...carrot juice. You can read all about the benefits here. Anyway, hubby did pretty good with his. I had to chase mine with chili cheese fritos to get it down! Ha! It didn't taste bad, it just tasted like raw carrots. I guess it's an acquired taste. I'm going to have to work on it.

Stay warm wherever you are!!

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