Saturday, January 9, 2010

Moments in time...(the post I thought I publised but then realized I had forgotten about! OOPS!)

Favorites from '09

What a year... we grew from 5 to 7...

We had a lot of laughs, and cries. A lot of "figuring things out" went on.

And, as soon as we thought we had it all figured out, we realized we didn't and we had to start over.

"How do you do it?" is something I hear a lot. My answer?? How do I not??

Are 5 babies the norm? NO!

Are 5 kids the norm? NO!

I happen to think not being in the "norm" is pretty fun.

These 5 babies are a JOY.

Yes, it is hard. Some days it is really hard.

But every single day, yes, every single day it is sooo worth it.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

I wonder how 2010 will measure up this time next year in comparison to 2009??

The Lord only knows, and I can't wait to find out!

So even as I savor each and every moment with my sweet family and I look forward to the days ahead with anticipation and wonder, how can it ever be as good as this, right now??

(oh yeah, Potty training 2 little monkeys sure would be the cherry on top!)

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