Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Ok- so all of my pictures are in.
There are A LOT of them to go through.
My plan includes going through them all and posting about the party but that requires time. Which I am short on.
So, I am planning to work on that today and hopefully be able to share tomorrow.

For now I'll leave you with a quick run down of what else has been going on...

Puddin finished her last day of summer preschool.
Puddin was also accepted into the preschool we wanted for the fall!! YAY!!!
Daisy and Bud were dedicated at church. A BIG YAY!!!!
Saturday family fun at the local park.
Discovery Center... a lot!
Visiting with relatives from out of state.
Drawing.... lots and lots of pictures. This has become one of Puddin's favorite things to do.
Fighting... a lot. Aren't they too yong for that?!
Disciplining three kids 3 and under... not fun! But they have to learn to get along!
Went to my nephew's baptism. Very cool.
Van issues.... ugh! I think we are wearing our poor van down!
Cleaning- a lot. (this never goes away!)
Laundry... every day!
Missing my Nanny. I wish I could visit with her. She's just too far away right now. Praying for her to get well soon.

Sewing- a lot.
Procrastinating- a lot.
Finished a coulpe of half done projects. Only a few left to finish!
Scooping up hay from our back yard.
Visited the pediatrician... 4 of the 5 received shots. Mass chaoes was in full force, of course, but his time my sweet husband went with me to help!
Bible study. LOVE my Bible study girls!
Catching up with old friends on FaceBook... wishing I had invented Facebook... so cool!
Giving thanks for my healthy, happy children. God is so good.
Trying to get more sleep. Daisy and I have been having some heart to hearts lately.
Being more thankful for my sweet husband and the sacrifices he makes for all of us- as well as his hard work.
And of course the party and haircut which I have already talked about on here.
SO, the past 2 weeks have been super busy! Iam taking this rainy week to get started on some big projects and trying to get some new routines in effect for the kiddos. I'll share about that later too.

Gotta go... 3 of my luvies are standing here staring at me now. I guess they are bored!

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