Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Little Mermaid

The house is quiet. Children are sleeping and Hubby is at the store.
The kitchen is semi cleaned.
The laundry is still in a pile and my to do list is still growing!
Remember when I mentioned my new, old, obsession with furniture rehab?
Well, it's a sickness.
Complete sickness.
It ranks right up there with my crazy need for my kids to wear matching clothing.
Anyway, it has resulted in a brand new, ADORABLE, footstool for the babies nursery that I absolutely LOVE!! It's precious and only took 30 minutes to make!
But, I'll have to share it later. Because right now it's all about my Little Mermaid!

Swim lessons are going swimmingly!
Yes, they are great! Thank you to my sweet friend Jennifer that keeps pulling me out of my comfort zone and encouraging me to take chances! I know some of you think swim lessons... what's the big deal? Well, it was a big deal for me. But even bigger, was my fear of what would happen if she didn't get swim lessons. I think the scariest part was facing up to the "something could happen" part.

That moved on to what will I do with the other kids? Should I put the Monkeys in too? Are there too many kids in the class? Will she really participate? Will she learn anything??

All for nothing! Why do I do this to myself sometimes?? I have so many places I could go with this post but for now I am aiming to please and I know there are some special people in our family out there who want to see some pics so... back to the story!

Ok, so we go to the lesson and Puddin is afraid. I knew she would be timid and shy and not want to get in but her teachers have been AWESOME! So a BIG, GIGANTIC thank you to Mrs. Laura and Mrs. Mary Katherine! Ya'll are super!
Right away Puddin took to Mrs. Laura and really trusted her. She let Laura take her out into the water and slowly let the water get deeper ( I was amazed that she was so trusting!)

Long story short- after 3 days of lessons and 5 more to go, Puddin is "swimming"! She has gone under water, is a great floater ( her favorite) and is learning to kick and blow the water out!! Each day I am amazed at how well she does! Just that she gets in the water and pretty much will try whatever they ask her to do is HUGE! While, she does usually expect to get to float and look like Ariel in return!
She is in class with some of the most precious children we know and they are great friends of hers and I think that has helped her a lot too. She's the youngest of her little friends so watching and learning from them has been great.

Well, I am rambling and not doing this story justice so I will just tell the story in pictures. I know you won't mind! Wink-wink!
Puddin and the gang. Or as she likes to call them, "some of my favowite fwiends!"

Trying out the water with Mrs. Laura. So cool how she talked her through it!

Learning to blow the water through straws... gradual process. They are now blowing water with their faces in the water.

The Monkeys and the home owner who has graciously offered her pool up for these swim lessons! (Very sweet!) She also has taken to my babies and is a big help! She loves holding them so I can take pictures!

Puddin decides she trusts Mrs. Laura and is willing to get her head I mean hair wet.

She loved it! Look at that face!! I could eat her up!

Still not willing to get her face wet but she is kicking and looking precious all the while! I love how the sun is shining on her in this picture!

With her best buddy "M"... so excited!!!

We have a winner!!! The back float!! She is a pro at this now!!! Definitely her favorite- she gets her hair wet and looks, according to Puddin, just like Ariel!

This was towards the end of class on day 1 and the teachers wanted everyone to get their face wet. Preferably by going under water. I have no idea how she was able to get this pose...

She negotiates with the teacher... she's thinking about it....

1, 2, 3! She does it!!! With a smile on her face!!! Yes, my child is smiling while she goes under water!!!

I was sooo proud of her!

Funny thing, you can't hear it in this picture, but she is shrieking at the top of her lungs!!! I think she was excited and unsure about what had just happened all at once!!

So, swim lessons are a hit! I'll keep you posted as we progress!

Much love,

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