Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

This is my first Mother's Day as a mommy of 5. And if you knew what it has taken to get to this place, so that I could say that, you might be surprised.

Let's just say God and I weren't on the same plan.

His plan made the cut.

Mine did not.

For a long time that was something I didn't understand.

Why were things so hard? What wasn't I a wife yet? And later, why wasn't I a Mommy? As a little girl my plan included was centered around my being a mommy. My freshman year of highschool we were asked to write a paper about what we wanted to be when we grew up... I wrote that I wanted to be a mom and a grandma! Who does that in high school?

This isn't a post to share my long and now wonderful story. It's more of a post of gratefulness. I am so grateful that my plan has been trampled all over the cutting room floor. I wouldn't have it any other way.

As I held Monkey Do tonight, hot from a fever, and loved on him I gave thanks for the chance to do that.

As I watched Puddin with her brothers playing ring around the rosie my heart leaped with gratitude that this was is my life! She is my first baby... the first one to make me a mommy! As we are adjusting to adding our newest additions I still remind her every day that she is special because she was first.

After dinner tonight, as I squeezed on Monkey See and covered his little face with kisses, it hit me again. Thank You! God chose me to be his Mommy!

Even through all of the feedings (and there are a lot of them) and loads of diapers I have to wash along with all of the regular laundry, I look at Bud and Daisy and their sweet innocent faces and I am grateful to wash their diapers and change their poopies! God chose me, out of all of the other mommies in the world, to be their Mommy!

And I listen now to hubby put all of the little blessings God has given me to bed, once again, I am gratfeul for the husband God chose for me. He knew who I needed when I didn't. I am forever grateful to Him for that. Hubby is the head of our home, he loves the Lord with his whole heart and he adores his family. He is the kind of daddy women want for their children. So, I am grateful for him as well on this Mother's Day.
May your father and mother be glad; may she who gave you birth rejoice! Proverbs 23:25

God's plan was not my own. See, yes, I wanted a husband and children but not these children and husband specifically. God knew what I needed when I didn't. He wants to be in the details of our lives. The every day, not so exciting details. My details included this husband and these amazing children. My life without Hubby, Puddin, Monkey See, Monkey Do, Bud and Daisy? I can't begin to imagine it. Funny thing is, that's all I used to do! Imagine my one day life. Sometimes letting go of something we are holding on to so tightly is the hardest part. Trust. That's a hard thing to do if you like to be in control. But once you do, good things come. God was waiting all of that time to bless me. Me! He had all of these wonderful little people ready and waiting for me to trust Him. I am so grateful I did.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,

and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Words to live by.

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