Well, we have made the switch. Yes, some of my dear friends have called me crazy but we went ahead and took the plunge. We have switched from disposable diapers to cloth. I know.. crazy, right? Let me explain...
Very, very soon we will have 4 children in diapers, all the time, every day and 1 still wears them at night. My friends, that is a lot of diapers and a lot of money! When Puddin was a baby I had played around with the idea of doing cloth but never took it seriously. Anyway, after I calculated the cost of 4 children in diapers I quickly started to change my mind.
So I started with 2 diapers and tried them out. Let me just say, they were AMAZING!!! Cloth diapers have come a long way since the 70's.These things are great! They have velcro closures, a waterproof, leak proof barrier and SUPER absorbent padding! We have been using them for a month now, every day without fail and have never had a leak! Not ever! Plus, as an added bonus, they are so absorbent I don't have to change diapers nearly as often as I did before. My monkeys go a lot. So before I woud have to change them every 2-3 hours and we were running through a ton of diapers. Now I can easily go 4 hours in 1 diaper and they are fine. They are so absorbent that when I change them their skin is dry! Truth be told, on Monday they were in the same diaper from 8:15-1:00 because we were out around town and busy and I just didn't get to change them!
Now, I know you are all wondering about the poopies. Yes, they are nasty... not fun at all, but it really isn't that bad. I just rinse them in the potty and drop them in a bucket of hot water and oxy clean until I have a load of diapers to wash. When I consider the $$ I am saving will help put Puddin in preschool next year it's all worth it! And honestly, had I know it was this easy I would have used cloth a LONG time ago!
In case you're curious, we are using the bum genius brand ***fabulous***. We bought ours off diapers.com but here is a link to the website http://www.bumgenius.com/. Hopefully when the monkeys are awake from nap I can snap a couple of pics of them in their fabulous diapers to add to this post!
For now, I'm off to enjoy naptime!
Way to go with the cloth diapers. I have really thought about it with Mason. But decided against it, because I was already doing an ton of laundry everyday due to his reflux. Glad you are enjoying it!
ReplyDeleteWe are cloth diaper babies too here love it!!!