Friday, December 23, 2011

How to find the Perfect Christmas Tree

So, we decided that due to our busy schedules this year we weren't going to be able to go on our annual Christmas Tree Pilgrimage on a  weekend. Instead, it would have to be after school/work one day. We didn't really take into account the fact that is would get dark while we were hunting. It did. I must admit, there was a moment or two when I thought I could possibly be stranded in a Christmas Tree forest with 5 little people and require a search and rescue team.... a little scary! However, this family's got skilz and we made it work-without a flashlight... unlike some peeps who came prepared!

I must say, I think we have a new tradition! Momma doesn't particularly LOVE crowds and neither does Bud. Together we can be a bit much for Hubby I think (poor thing). But here's the thing... searching for a Christmas tree in the dark is virtually crowd free!!! As Puddin would say, "Yipee-Hallelujah!"

Yes, you have the dynamic of making sure you don't loose any children, but, as we discovered, they don't wander far when they can't see! It's a win-win I tell ya! And if I must say, This is my all time favorite tree evah!!

So here is our "pilgrimage" in photos.

 Christmas tree farm arrival...still some sunlight. 

 Look intimidating for the "crowds"

 getting his game on...
 ...and they're off!!!
 The pilgrimage has begun!
 The fresh air was exhilarating! It smelled soooo good! About this point, one of the kids was left carrying the pole and the other 4 were cutting loose!

 Balancing on tree stumps was a very popular past time...
 as well as sword fighting!
 We still had some light as we entered field #2 in search of the perfect tree. We even managed to wrangle the kids back into the task at hand....
 for a moment anyway!
 And a quick stop for a photo...say "Cheese!"
 Remember "Where's Waldo"? Well, here you have field #3 and Where's the Fabulous 5?? Can you spot them all? They are all there- promise!
 Finally, after moving to field #4 and losing sunlight, we thought we found the right tree! Everyone was on board, this was the one, except Momma. Something just wasn't right. But the daddy and the kids sure are cute!
 Bud was standing firm on his decision until little sister stepped in and they had a "meeting of the minds". She's little, but sure is Spunky!
 We found it!!! YAY!! Right before the camera died too! At this point we had already lost the saw and pole in another field and had to go back for it. It's easy  to get distracted when you are having fun with this crew! After playing a bit of  "Marco Polo" Christmas tree forest style we found each other again and got to work. Yep, it's dark.
And wouldn't you know it... as hubby is sawing by the moonlight, not only does the camera die, but the saw blade breaks! I don't know how he managed to finish the sawing process but I do remember this is when I started to wonder about the possibility of an emergency rescue!
Once we made it back to the barn safely with everyone in tow, the "farmers" prepped our tree and tied it to our van as we sipped hot chocolate and then...we went on a HAYRIDE IN THE DARK! It was so much fun! Cold, but fun! The stars were beautiful and the moon was so very bright. It was fantastic! but- no pics...dead camera.

Finally, after stopping for a quick pizza at a converted gas station because everyone is starving and cold, we finally arrived home with our "Torpedo" Tree!!
 picture, coutesy of my Iphone.

          So... there you have it... how to find the perfect tree! Definitely a tradition we plan to keep! 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Few of my Favorite things

Hello Sweet Friends and Merry Christmas!! I'm sure you are all in full swing for Christmas right now... it's so hard to believe it's only a couple of days away!
I have finished the final PPK for 2011 and it's bagged up and ready to go, so with that I thought I'd jump back into my bloggy world. So, if you are here looking for Puddin Pop Kids news... stay tuned. There will be lots of updates in January 2012. But for now, I thought I'd share a little from our home life instead.
All around blog land everyone is doing their "Christmas tour of homes". And while I would love to do that as well, the "staging" that would be involved would be exhausting. My house if decorated, but definitely lived in... and I love that! Besides, I am already running on empty from the Puddin Pop-alooza of 2011. 3 hours of sleep/night can wear a girl down.
So, instead I thought I'd share a few of my favorite things. And, without further a do, I give you my Christmas Favorite Things..... not to be confused in any way, shape or form with Oprahs. hehe.

 This is our Christmas card from 2009. My favorite Christmas card- evah! Also, the last one we sent out! HA! Every year since then has been overwhelmingly busy so I have done New Years cards instead. **Note to self- make New Years cards today.

 These are a few of the ornaments from our Jesse Tree. LOVE them. They are simple and colorful and the kids enjoy learning about the meaning behind each of them.

 My nativity. I actually collect Nativities and display them all together. Except this one. Hubby bought this for me the first year we were married. It is BEA*U*TI*FUL! Even with arms hot glued back together- still a beauty! It sits on our dining room table.

 Quite possibly my most favorite Christmas gift of all time. Hand painted pottery by the Fabulous 5. Currently I have 2 place settings of 5. Each year Hubby sneaks out of the house w/ the kiddos and has them paint a piece. Each child paints the same piece every year. This set is from the 1st year when our littles were only 9 moths old! Can you guess which pieces are theirs? Crossing my fingers that I get another set this year!

 Santa This is Puddin visiting Santa while in preschool. Her school has a Santa come every year. Her talented teacher snapped these pics  and I was in love! Just look at her excitement and the look on Santa's face! She came charging him yelling "SANTA! I've missed you soooo much!!" and then leaped into his arms. It was crazy sweet! So I put the pics in sequential order in a frame and pull it out every year to display.
 Our tree. My favorite tree yet. The photo doesn't do it justice. We have a semi-new tradition of going to the Christmas tree farm and cutting down our own tree. This tree is stunning! It's almost 10 feet tall! Our ornaments mostly consist of those given to us as wedding gifts (December wedding) and those made by the kiddos. I love it.

 Another precious preschool craft made by my 3 oldest. I love them.
 Our piano w/ Christmas photos. Hubby and I even have one in there w/Santa. :)
 Another Puddin & Santa picture. I know I already shared one of her, but this is just too cute not to share!
Another one of my nativities from my collection. Also made at preschool by one of my lovies. I adore it.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Give Away

Hi Friends... I know my little blog has been on ife support lately and I hate that!
BUT, I am having a "give away" on my Face book page if you want to hop on ver and check it out.
I'm hoping after Christmas I'll be breathing life back into my little blog.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hi friends,
So sorry to leave you hanging! I'm preparring for my last shw of the seasona nd I'm knee deep in Puddin POp Kids right now!
Life is good- busy- but good. I have much to share! But for now just a PPD update!...
The final show of the season will be at Christmas on Madison Avenue, this weekend in Murfreesboro. It is being help in the Farmer's Market location off of John Rice Blvd. from 9-5... free admission and 78 vendors!! It's going to be lots and lots of fun and I can't wait to see lots of familiar faces!

Also, for those of you who are not local to this area, Saturday will be the last day for custom orders this season. I will be taking Dec.1-Jan. 31st off to be with my family. So, if you are needing a Puddin Pop between now and then please let me know!
And just because I can't hep myself, let me share a little halloween goodness with you....

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Icing on the cake

My 3 sons... Monkey See, Bud, Monkey Do
Motherhood is exhilarating, exciting, emotional and exhausting.
Some days it's all cake.
Other days, it's a giant piece of cake slathered in the yummiest frosting ever known to mankind.
(yes, I have cake on the mind).
Puddin, Daisy, Bud, Monkey See, Monkey Do- March 2009

One of my biggest surprises about being a mommy to many little munchkins is the relationship they have with each other.
Puddin and Monkey See checking out Bud- March 2009

I ADORE watching them love on each other.
Puddin, Monkey See, & Monkey Do- Sept. 2007

It melts my heart to watch them interact with such joy
and love for each other.
Puddin and Bud, March 11, 2009

Now, don't get me wrong, it's not always rainbows and puppies around here. They argue, disagree, and as of late, a certain someone has taken to pinching. *sigh*
BUT a lot of the time they don't do any of that stuff. THEY LIKE EACH OTHER!!!!
Monkey Do and Puddin- August 2011

Hearing my two year old ask her sister if she had a
good day is precious!
Listening to my four year old pray for his siblings and the
"bootiful weader we awre havin" is a sweet, sweet sound.
Monkey See, Puddin, Monkey Do- 2008

When my two year old busts her lip, (a first for us and very traumatic to say the least) it comforts me to know that her sister is just as worried and concerned as I am.
The concern, joy and love they show for each other every day is, well, icing on the cake!

Monkey Do, Puddin and Monkey See, July 24, 2009

It's a relationship I didn't really visualize when we decided to have another baby. Yes, I wanted my children to be close, to be friends and to love each other, but I didn't really know the joy it would bring me to see it all unfold before my eyes!
Puddin and Monkey See, the first time I really saw them being friends and
LOVING to play with each other! Watching a dream become a reality!
Fall 2007

When we were expecting the boys, I prayed that the Lord would give us the wisdom and the strength to raise our children in a godly home and to bring them up in a way that would be honoring to Him. I also prayed that they would be close in their relationships with each other. I am humbled to see God honor the desire of my heart! What a blessing!
To see them love on each other, encourage each other and find joy in each others company is such a blessing!
Thank you Lord for this gift!

 Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the
desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4
Watching these two, snuggled up in a laundry basket telling secrets! What a precious time!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Let's play catch up, shall we?

I won't even bore you with the details of "I've been busy"...
that's a given.
But, I have also been schooling
(kindergarten, preschool, and seminary).
I have been sporting
I have been creating
(some new stuff coming soon).
I have been mothering, homemaking and wife-ing too.
I guess, I've just been living!

We've had some fun stuff going on as well as some regular stuff so let's just play a little game of catch up....

 IHOP with Nana after the 1st soccer game.
 My kids LOVE IHOP!
 riding our bikes to school
 Puddin's Mr. Botatoe Head... notice the "B" on his head! :)
 Our first "sweet treats" to go out this year!
 time out
 MTSU opening game... so, so fun!!!

Two of my most favorite people in the world!!! {love}
me and my girls <3
everyone wears underwear and flip flops while creating, right??
NEW PRODUCT!!! Check out my FaceBook page for details.

Ok- I'll do my best to be back tomorrow with some "real time" updates!